Worship Service Ministries

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worship team

The Worship Ministry Team works with the Rector and other relevant staff to help, plan, implement and oversee all issues related to both regular and special worship services or liturgies held at the church.

Contact: Fr. Gaetz. 315-468-5335

altar assistant

The Altar Assistant ministry is designed for adults who wish to serve on the altar in a capacity that enhances the worship service. The assistants aid the priest in several ways throughout the service: They carry the Gospel book during the opening procession, the Gospel procession and the recession. They lead the psalm during the worship service.

The Assistant prepares the altar for the Holy Eucharist. They help guide the priest through the service and handle any needs the priest may have during the service. They also clear the altar at the end of the service.

They assist at baptisms, weddings, funerals and special services throughout the year. Most of the Assistants are trained, licensed Eucharistic ministers. Like the Acolytes, the Assistants serve on a rotational basis and at the request of the Rector for special services.

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The parishioners who serve in this special ministry put a great deal of time and energy into learning what it means to serve God at his table and in his church.

For more information, contact Gary Neddo at 315-350-0956.

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altar guild

Our worship is enhanced by the candles, flowers and linens that adorn the altar.  All are set up by teams of men and women who form the Altar Guild.  They consist of rotating teams to set and clear the Lord’s Table for all weekly Eucharists as well as for weddings, baptisms and funerals.

Contact: Kitty Miller, 315-422-4818

Other Lay Ministries

Our parishioners provide weekly support to our worship through a variety of roles: greeters, ushers, lectors, presenters, chalice bearers. Parishioners typically sign up to perform these services each May during our Stewardship Time and Talent campaign. Rotating schedules are established for the year from September through August.