Neighborhood Events and Missions at a Glance

Morning & Evening Clothes Closet

St. Mark’s Clothes Closet has provides new and gently used clothes, shoes and accessories for a 25-cent donation or free. It is open twice a month.

Sundaes on Fridays

Held on the second Friday of the summer months , Sundaes on Fridays offers Byrne Dairy Ice Cream Sundaes with all the fixings… FOR ONLY $1!


Green Cafe & MOnthly Dinners

The Green Cafe and Monthly Dinners are available during our Saturday morning and Thursday evening Clothes Closets...

Porter Partnership

St. Mark has enjoyed a steadfast partnership with Porter Elementary School in a variety of rewarding ways.

Neighborhood Bread Program

Our bread ministry is our newest ministry and was established to fill a need as more and more West Side grocery stores closed.

Mission at Brighton Towers

St. Mark hosts a service of Holy Eucharist every Wednesday evening at the Brighton Towers, a community for people age 55+.