Bible Study is held each Monday at 6pm. This study goes through a single book of the Bible, chapter by chapter, exploring the history of the texts, their connections to other Biblical books, the dominant themes, and how it all serves to illumine God’s hopes for us.

You can participate by following going to then select Join A Meeting from the top menu bar and enter our  meeting ID: 372-032-023.

To connect by phone call 253-215-8782 or 301-715-8592. You will be asked to enter the meeting ID, which is 372-032-023 followed by the # sign. If it asks for a participant ID, just enter the # sign again.


Sunday morning Bible Study

This in-person Bible Study is held on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month at 10am in the parish hall. The Sunday Gospel readings are studied using Lectio Divina as our guide. You don't need to be a Bible scholar to attend. Simply bring a Bible and listen in to hear what God is speaking to you. Everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring something to share; coffee will be available.

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acolyte training

Our Acolyte Ministry is designed for parishioners from 8 years of age to adult. Acolytes serve on the altar every Sunday on a rotational basis; as well as at the request of the Rector at special services such as weddings and funerals. The parishioners who serve in this special ministry put a great deal of time and energy into learning what it means to serve God at his table and in his church.

Each Acolyte attends a continuing education program held once a month on the first Saturday of the month from October through May. The sessions cover a myriad of different subjects from how to use the Book of Common Prayer to Church history as well as serving at the altar.

The Acolytes believe that their ministry extends beyond our church walls. Each Acolyte strives to live the lessons taught in the program and be a Good Christian model each and every day. 

 If you are interested, please contact Gary W. Neddo at the church on Sundays or at home at 315-350-0956.

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sunday school

Coming soon: Sunday School will be available during the 11 a.m. service from September through May and includes children from pre-K through 6th grade.