
 mission & outreach ministry

Our Mission & Outreach ministry initiates and coordinates Christian outreach wherever it is needed. We seek opportunities for the Parish to reach out into the neighborhood, the community, the nation, and globally. We want to share the bounty that God has bestowed on us within the parameters of good stewardship.

This effort is not been limited to the Mission and Outreach Committee, but also through Circle V, the Youth group, the Prayer Shawl Ministry, the Clothes Closet, the Green Cafe and the Mustangs are just some of the parishioner groups and ministries that have initiated activity to support others outside of the parish in a variety of ways. The Parish Food Pantry, independent of the CNY Food Bank, is supported totally by the in-kind donations of the parish and from proceeds from the highly successful Clothes Closet.

November 2019 marked our 6th year of our church being a Food $en$e site in the city of Syracuse. We are one of 39 sites in 11 counties of the Food Bank of Central New York Food $en$e program. We are one of only three sites in the city of Syracuse.

Here is an overview of what our Parish does in our corner of the world:

Thanksgiving baskets.jpg

√ Supports UTO in the Spring and Fall. UTO is the United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church Women, a nationwide funding organization.

√ Collects school supplies and back packs for Porter students, coordinated by the Mustangs.

√ Supports the Anglican Church in Jerusalem through the Good Friday collection.

√ Conducts annual Mother’s Day Church World Service Blanket Sunday drive.

√ Hosts four (June-September) “Sundaes on Fridays” for the parish and neighborhood.

√ Supports the Food Bank of Central New York with our Food $en$e program.

√ Provides 25¢ clothing items monthly through the Clothes Closet along with free meals.

√ Annually awards “graduating” Porter students certificates and Byrne Dairy “Cookiewiches”

√ Provides hats, gloves, socks and underwear to the Porter school nurse and social workers.

√ In coordination with school social workers and with support from Wegman’s Supermarket provides Thanksgiving dinner baskets to neighborhood and parish families.

√ Provides a Parish Food Pantry in the back of the church stocked with food items for neighbors and parishioners.

√ Provides Personal Care Bags and personal items for our neighbors and parishioners in need.